Posts tagged glory

Day 6 – Forever I Am

Ch 7, V. 25

For my glory is not

seen by all – the stars

know me well, they

gather with their friends

to celebrate the love

that I am – I am that

hidden by the veil of

great mystery, and in

its delusion this world

recognizes me not, who

was never born and

yet forever I am.

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Day 289 – Sacred Goddess Of Wisdom

To Live In The Heart


To you, you with the

heart of the green

Earth; love follows

swiftly towards

the blessings of

your sacred presence.

It is unto you whom

the world sings all

it’s glory, that my

sacredness always flows,

seeking expression

through your  graced

visions of  our infinite

and eternal love, which

nourishes all life.


To you, you with the

presence of the lofty

mountain; beauty stalks

quietly about your nimble

steps, always heading

inward towards your

effervescent soul. It is

unto you whom the world

praises sacred wisdom, that

my gratitude flows, seeking

always to honor your sacred

presence in my fleeting life

built from the ashes where

the temple of our union is

yet to be erected – that holy

ground of imminent love.


To you, you with the

soul of infinite skies,

wisdom falls behind

as you traverse the

greater inner world

of the heart’s design,

always seeking a path

to the hearts of those

whom you have loved.

It is unto you whom the

world prostrates down

before, for the greatness

dwelling in you shall carry

forth the blessings of

sacredness. With one word,

you inspire me, the present

personification of all man,

to tear down the inner

dams I have built up in the

name of  protection to allow

the River Love to flow. So, I let

it flow continually onward,

finally coming to bask in the

sacred presence of you, the

sacred Goddess of wisdom

living within my heart.


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Day 76 – Become Who You Are Meant To Be

We Become The Light

The shifting skies  of an ominous sight

reflects the gaining momentum’s right

trespassing in life’s sacred domain

we become, always becoming the light

The blackness of night fades to white

revealing the glories of love’s abundant might

beckoning life to breath that strength in

we become, always becoming the light

The body balks when the mind takes flight

painting life in delicious moments so bright

setting our souls ablaze with love’s great fire

we become, always becoming the light

The pull of the soul seeks messages to write

projecting the creative movements above our plight

awakening the sleeping giant of your sacred soul

we become, always becoming the light

The shifting skies part for life’s wondrous sight

reflecting beauty in the eye’s sacred right

tempting fate to ignite in love’s truest glory

we become, always becoming the light

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Day 341

I See The Sounding Chimes Bend


In the breath of the wind

I sing your name proud

while the rain falls around

I see the sounding chimes bend


As the waters soon mend

I dance in the meadows late

lingering forward towards your gate

I see the sounding chimes bend


As the winding path does lend

I hear the birds whisper of love

Passing all grievances above

I see the sounding chimes bend


As the clouds messages send

I curl my aspirations to hide

always festering deep inside

I see the sounding chimes bend


In the breath of the wind

I proclaim my answers true

Seeking always to please you

I see the sounding chimes bend

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Day 220

The Morning’s Glory


The glory of the morning

Starts with the morning  glory

Stretching stalk and stem upward

Rising to meet the mounting sun


Stretching her petals outwards far

Invites visitors of plenty still to come

Giving them what they want, they do her bidding

The push and pull of life compels


Standing erect and tall

The flower finally falls short

Drawing her petals to her side

Giving a bow for all the world to see

– She rests for the night


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